The jet lag is over! I am back in my own time zone — rested, tan, fit… and looking at the calender.

We are very excited here at STC! Industries (home of “stories that resonate…”) about all the new things coming your way soon. In addition to being brought in for studio consultations, and called on to give our “Green Light Insurance” review for movies that are about to go into production(Yes, it’s true, it’s amazing how many speak Cat!), we have some special events and services on the horizon to be on the lookout for:

— In June, I will be appearing at Great American Pitchfest as the keynote speaker. My topic is “Death and the Screenwriter,” and it’s a preview of Save the Cat! Strikes Back which will be in bookstores this fall. We talk about the “All Is Lost” point all the time in our scripts, but what about when it happens in our careers? From the pitch we love — that dies, to the rewrite we dread — that thrives, to moments in our professional life when we “hit the wall” — yet rebound! Coming back from these dark moments is the most exciting and rejuvenating aspect of what we do. That is my topic,  and I can’t wait to share some success strategies!

— We also will have some news about a new app for iPhone users. Prompted by calls from many of you to put Save the Cat! into cyberspace, more readily available, help is on the way! I am thrilled by this!

— We also will be announcing a new quarterly newsletter called Cat! Nation to keep everyone in the loop about the Save the Cat! writers groups around the world and focus on marketing tips and strategies that work!

— Finally, at long last we are going to begin a membership service, offering Cats who want a little more insight the tools they need to “dig, deep, down” and win! We are starting it off with a monthly beat sheet of a current film or DVD release, plus access to a Beat Sheet Library that gives you clues from recent films to find the exact genre your movie is most like, and the structure beats you need to figure out YOUR movie!

This is in addition to our regular Beats Weekend and Board Weekend classes, which have been getting so amazing lately. These weekends are packed with both new and seasoned writers and the results we’ve been seeing are nothing short of remarkable! On top of that, I LOVE to hear your stories!

And if all that weren’t enough, check out a great blog posted today written by Jim Cirile about all the things happening in Cat! land.

Thanks to Jim and to all the writers whose suggestions we are implementing as fast as our little paws will let us! Have a great writing week everyone! And keep those great ideas coming! You suggest: we deliver!