Everywhere I go to teach a workshop of late, a little something extra stays behind when I leave. The weekend seminar is not the end but a beginning, and I am proud to say that what’s begun is starting to pop up like mushrooms all over the globe.

It’s called by turns a Cat! Group or a Writer’s Co-op. If you go to a seminar of mine, you are invited to join a growing network of writers around the world who have one thing in common: the desire to write and sell your script, and be part of a writer’s group that meets on a regular basis to help you accomplish that goal.

As part of the growing trend, we currently have a Cat! Message Board and groups formed in San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, and now Barcelona — with Vancouver, Seattle, and Chicago coming soon.

Here in Los Angeles, Greg Field,a graduate of both our Beats Weekend and Master Class, runs the Cat! group. Greg has whipped his writers into shape and they now meet on a regular basis to continue working on projects started in class and new ideas, too.

And just as organically, we have a new bonus to these groups. Frequently a producer or attorney or agent will ask me if I know of any good scripts or good writers. Sometimes, they are looking for a writer of a particular genre, other times they just want to know if I’ve heard any good pitches lately.

Now I am happy to report I am sending them directly to the groups to check out for themselves what Cat! grads are offering. My particular favorite script ideas that have come from class lately include a couple of great comedies: Roller Mom and Shooting Tweety. (What are those you ask? Email me and I’ll direct you to their authors.) I also know of one really cool big budget sci-fi piece, one disaster movie, and one western that are in the works, and a couple of true life bio pics that I think have amazing potential. And if you like low budget comedy or drama, I have a few of those in mind, too.

Bottom line: If you’re looking for a writer or a smart new project, email me. I’d be happy to point you toward the group that writer is working with, be they in LA, New York, Chicago, or the UK, Spain, Germany, or Canada.

Happy to tell you my latest and greatest writers I have had the pleasure to meet. And believe me, the writers I meet are the most talented and have the most drive to succeed of any out there. Why?

Well, they’re Cat! grads of course!!