Black Velvet Fairies poster

Congrats to Jamie Nash, writer of Save the Cat!® Writes for TV and the Save the Cat!® Beat Sheet Workbook, on the debut of the Black Velvet Fairies podcast, which premiered on March 19.

The creators of Black Velvet Fairies include Mike Monello, Gregg Hale, and Eduardo Sanchez, the minds behind the acclaimed genre-busting horror film The Blair Witch Project. The creative team also includes executive producers Mark Ordesky—executive producer of The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, The Golden CompassInkheart, and more—and Jane Fleming (The Quest), as well as editing and sound design by Jordan Miller (Camp Nightmare).

Most important of all, Jamie Nash wrote and directed all 13 episodes!

Episodes are being released every Tuesday free on-demand across all major platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, and Overcast.