Just back from Chicago. Had a GREAT time! I love this city! Fabulous! I stayed downtown and let me tell you, a very fun, busy, cool place to be.

But everywhere I go I think “I could live here!” Recently as my travels took me to Seattle and Vancouver and Toronto AND Barcelona, I’ve thought – yeah! I’m moving! I love it here!

But could it be that it’s not the place but the people I meet that make me feel so good?

Maybe. The Cat! experience for me has always been that. It’s a Rorshach test for positivity. And those who respond to it are the ones more likely to succeed. They are bright, happy, engaged, and looking to themselves for self-improvement.

Cat! people are winners!

It may be the real reason that everywhere I go seems like home.

Case in point: I am waiting for permission to announce the sale of a big spec script from a writer who brought his idea into one of our early workshops. It’s big, big news and I can’t wait to tell every detail. (Hopefully in Thursday’s blog)

But it it not an isolated case.

Lots and lots of writers who have come through the Cat! process in one way or another are on their way to success. Many have gotten agents, sold pitches, refined scripts that were lost in the drawer, and gotten great feedback on what were “dead” projects — all due to hard work, clear focus, and yes, positive upbeat outlooks.

So as I go back to work here on several new projects (I am writing 2 scripts now and very excited about both these), I want to thank all those out there who help keep my sprits up.

I’d like to thank my pals in Chicago: Linda, Mary, Dan, Michelle, Michael, JD, and Richie!

I’d like to REALLY thank alll those who gave comment to my last blog — you give my life meaning!

And just wait til Thursday ( I hope) for the big spec news.

It’s happening!

All because of you!

No matter where you live.

p.s. My book is now available in France and I am starting to receive email from screenwriters there! I am very pleased with the reception I have gotten and want to welcome our French readers to this blog too! A bientot! Welcome! Come on in!